Statistics have shown that no one want to be poor but we subscribe to be poor by the way we "think" read between lines to know how to achieve your dream.
First, start with clear vision of what you want out of life. Do you
want to just make a lot of money? Do you want to leave a mark on this
world? Do you want to work towards ending poverty? Whatever the goal in
your hearts desire, set it clearly in your mind. Writing it down is even
better! If you are unsure of what your vision should be then make time
to figure it out. Vision needs two things: a deep, personal connection
to your desires, and the will to make it happen. Doing this will change
your thinking about becoming an entrepreneur.
Pursue Your Vision Above All Else
Write down the things that will help you achieve that vision and
recognize things that won't really help you become successful. If
something comes up that conflicts with those vision priorities, don't
focus your time and energy on it.
Many things crop up on the road to success that may look like it's
important, but really it distracts us from the vision. Make sure you
check its level of importance against your goals. Here's how: ask
yourself if it works towards your core desire.
The point: spend time on activities with the greatest impact.
Do Not Compromise the Vision or Your Beliefs
As you pursue your goal, inevitably, people and circumstances in life
will challenge your vision. Rather than allowing those challenges to
get you to question what you are doing, put them behind you. It's a good
sign if your vision is being challenged, because it typically means
you're learning to think outside the box and are doing things that
aren't the norm.
Remind Yourself: What's the vision and what's the purpose of my success? Why do I want to be an entrepreneur?
Watch Success Overtake You in a Big Way
When you get the vision, pursue it with single-mindedness, and remove
distractions, you'll start seeing major success happen in your life.
These successes bring a sense of accomplishment and a level of
unstoppable confidence that might be new to you. Be prepared for the
biggest outcome you can imagine, because the moment you are not
prepared, life will throw you a curve ball.
Also, Make sure you have a plan for continual improvement. Keep
improving yourself and improving the vision as you do bigger and better
things, and you'll do things you never thought possible.
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